Professional Software Engineer by day. Hobby developer, Modder by night.

Android Service Binders

hola amigos’, how are you guys doing? im fine thank you!. Status Update: About last week, I have covered some ground interms of development in old passion projects, the start of the week was great, but at the end of the week it got worse, nevertheless im happy that i survived this week >_<. Saw avengers end game the other day which was cool, during part-I I was studying, but for part-II -an adult going to office (feels wierd even to think, So much change in just one year), Personally nothing great happened, because of the mind that i have, I had the same bs.

Blog Migration

heya!, this wont be a me!, don’t worry, I lost my cool in the last few posts, well thats aside, let me begin. migration so i have been planning to migrate my blog from aws to replace it with jekyll, hexo,..etc, The main reason being, i run my blog in php and thus intend to replace it with the mentioned above, The another this that I keep pondering over and over is that, if i abandon my aws blog, I have to convert my previous post from the blog to the new version, reformat, reupload the images as well.

C# - A peek into my yunger self.

Hey guys how y’all been, i’ve been good, in fact i am happy after a long time, So im gona love talking about this, so here is the thing before like 7-8 months (before i got my job) i was fully involved in reverse engineering, modding mostly windows, but also old linux machines with security flaws to train for some capture the flags and the plain curisity of… lets say how to break stuff.

AI - with algorithms.(Rant mostly)

Well hello guys! How yr’ been. what is going on. i have never thought of me doing this in my life, but this situation has come, so in the past month i have been trying to post and update whats been going on. But i am unable to complete what i started and it is bothering me still now, after that happened i stumbled upon an another old project of mine, which i cleaned up and finished it in a short span and btw this is the project that i am talking about that i didn’t complete.

ssh tunnel

hey there! How are you guys doing, hope everyone is doing good, im doing great btw, So today i wana talk about something that i have been using a lot lately in work and personal use, the thing that i wana talk about is ssh tunneling, its a huge topic, i have been using it ever since i learned about ssh in college, So what is this?