Professional Software Engineer by day. Hobby developer, Modder by night.

Android Reversing Part 2

hey, how ya been. so this is a another reversing post (reverse engineering android mod). So before some months, I gave some basic info to reversing android apps with a practical example(ttorrent). This post is gona build on top of that post. basically pretty advanced version of that post. Im just sharing information & not distrubuting mod files here! this is strictly for learning purposes only. Starting off Let’s just continue where we left off shall we.

Docker to Make Life Easier

Hello, it’s been two months since last update. Anyway the August month I was pretty busy, to be honest, I was involved in a old project of mine that I had to revist, in order to get more productive and flexibility in developing the application I chose to use docker. So this post is going to be about docker. Status Update:The month of August also had something interesting in it, which is my birthday.

Android Reversing

Hello! me and others reading this from the future. Status Update:So, this month I have lost a companion that was with me for the past 4 years, he is not entirely dead but let’s say is not the same person he once was….wait wait wait! I am talking about my laptop. I was doing an all-nighter & I think it was about 4 a.m. or so I was planning to go to sleep, so so while I was cleaning up & I dropped the laptop from my waist height, I was one of the tallest persons in my class so that explains a lot.

Google Ctf 2019

hey!. future me,(addressing myself) Status Update:So its been almost a year since i joined a company and having my career growing, but my personal goals are just at the same position when i left my student life. Gosh wish things where different, So another long time since i made my last post. time really flies by, so the most part im ok i guess with inner conflicts, mental forgetfullness, slow motion, slow thinking.


so hello.. how are you doing..? how is life? im good, thank you!. Status Update: I’ve seen better days tbh, i’ve faced a lot of challenges this month, im having burnout? wtf! what is that? you ask’? just google it.. In the entirety of my life, i never hated computers and programming/ developing in general, but recently i grown a haterd to computers and coding disgusts me.. like WTH?