Professional Software Engineer by day. Hobby developer, Modder by night.

Custom Dns Server With Adblock

hello guys, as of writing this post this is christmas of 2019 (25 dec 2019), gosh time really goes fast!. How was the holidays? personal update: I have sevre cold & fever as of writing this, hope i’ll get better soon. Today im going to share my method of adblocking with custom dns servers my requiremets I want adblocking solution without any addons & applications for laptops/desktops/mobile.


Hello me, this is going to be a short post that is very interesting to me and I don’t know how I have missed this all this time, I’ve known to break binary files directly by directly debugging them, mostly the windows files are binary extensions, I have worked even on dll files, which is somewhat similar to .so files on linux, both perform the same functions except that linux part is open source, and i’ve seen many articles using this partuclar approrach in many different ways(ofcourse after knowing about this only, I searched for those articles), A bit of personal update - so its been a tough month actually, progress interms of self development is zero, progress in terms of social level is a wip, but still a development.

Game Dev

Hey!, hope you are doing well!, im good, This post should have gone up in the month of august and this post should have been a follow-up, anyway never too late. Update: Im following a tight schedule for the past few weeks, tight-schedule in the sense “wake-up -> commute-to-office -> professional code-> aftier-office -> passion code -> sleep” throw in breaks, travel, and Personal hygene time in there, at-first it was awful, but after some while got the hang of it,Infact it became like addiction to me at this point & im craving for more.

Android Reversing Part 2

hey, how ya been. so this is a another reversing post (reverse engineering android mod). So before some months, I gave some basic info to reversing android apps with a practical example(ttorrent). This post is gona build on top of that post. basically pretty advanced version of that post. Im just sharing information & not distrubuting mod files here! this is strictly for learning purposes only. Starting off Let’s just continue where we left off shall we.

Docker to Make Life Easier

Hello, it’s been two months since last update. Anyway the August month I was pretty busy, to be honest, I was involved in a old project of mine that I had to revist, in order to get more productive and flexibility in developing the application I chose to use docker. So this post is going to be about docker. Status Update:The month of August also had something interesting in it, which is my birthday.