Professional Software Engineer by day. Hobby developer, Modder by night.

Android Reversing Part 3

Hi!, Its nice to post weekely for a change, I never posted weekely before, anyway this might be a one time thing(posting weekely). Disclaimer : Im just sharing information & not distrubuting mod files here! this is strictly for learning purposes only. Let’s start & why If you forgot for some reason, this is part-3 of android reversing/modding, I recommend checking out the previous post “Android Reversing” & “Android Reversing Part 2” in ‘reversing category’.

Its Been Two Years..may

Hi.. how are you, I am doing well, still doing work from home.. don’t know how long the work from home thing is going to continue. All my friends and family are good(no corona). This post is going to be a reminder for me in the future… and also a milestone. Decision Well two years ago, exactly this week, I got an offer from a company in Chennai, at that time, I already had an offer from another company in Coimbatore that was close to my home with a nice package.

Github Workflow

Hi… how ya been, its been a month already, gosh times flies by really fast. Status update: I’ve been doing good, When I am in home I complete the work that I plan… far better than when I am in Chennai. The corona virus pandemic is still around the world at large, US right now is the largest affected country with over 70k dead people as of writing this. The lockdown in India has been extended another 2 weeks.

Xkcd Declutter

Hi, how are you doing Im doing good, the corona virus pandemic is everywhere! hope your survived the ordeal, its still going on as of writing this, Hope you survive this.. In my childhood after watching movies like ‘i am legend’ & ‘the day that the earth stood still’, i always wanted to see the world in the situtation, oh booy, i did not expect them to happen irl, but it did anyway.

Corona March 2020

Hi guys, it’s been a month already??!. I had other plans for the update, this month but Corona virus took over the entire Earth, if me or anyone else reading this from the future search for ‘Corona virus March 2020’ u’ll find about this disease. note that the status of the image in this psot is from march 30 2020 headpain I took some extra tests apart from last month, but everything came as normal, I still experience head ache’s, I have a fudge load of tablets to take for the headache, I am worried about my health, these many tablets can not do any good.