Professional Software Engineer by day. Hobby developer, Modder by night.

Why I Choose Typescript

Hello, we meet again!, how was the week? hope you are well and gud!, This post will be about typescript, I’m not explaining what it is, but rather why i choose to use it. TypeScript was everywhere - background First of all, I want to clear some air by opening up, In in past, I hated typescript with a passion, Since then I’ve grown a lot as a person, lol.

Gatsby Experiment

Hi, how did the day go?, what about the week? what about the month?, Good I hope!. Personal update: I almost bought a guitar, But then I realised something and stopped, the decision correct or wrong? the future holds the truth, hope you got the answer with you! future me reading this. Pew!… I almost did not post this month, although I completed the project/experiment in the middle of the month.

Birthday month! - reflection and future

Hello, how are you doing, I’m fine thank you, hope you and your loved ones are doing fine. It’s the end of august and covid is still plowing through every city in India, Most of the people are just sitting sulking. What about Me? Im just…ah, I have a dilema, its just that I don’t have a freaking clue what the future holds, Today I go ‘age += 1’/ or level up and here is this months review.


Hi! hope you are doing well future me!, I’m well in the comfort of my home, the pandemic isn’t over yet, the cases are increasing day by day, infact today, as I am wiriting this, newly infected patients is over 6.5k. The past few weeks has been productive, I’m loving what I am doing, learning new stuff, doing a little of reversing at times, Oh snap, I forgot, my harddisk died on me, it was not fun(thank god important stuff were already on a server backed up), had to replace that with an ssd.

Android Reversing Part 4

Hi me!, how are you doing, how is the future holding up? Personal Update: It’s been a rough couple weeks since the last post, Covid-19 has shown no rate of slowing down. Nothing been around my mind lately just junk… a lot of junk I don’t want to think about. To many frequent decisions, Once a friend told me Self control over your thoughts is very important. No matter what I do, It seems I can not achieve it.