Professional Software Engineer by day. Hobby developer, Modder by night.

Firebase-RealtimeDatabase & Self-assesment

Hi!, its been a wild month, jumping all over the places, future me reading!, keep your composure. Coming to other things, I’ve been doing work from home for the past year, but recently (the past 3 months) I was asked to come office atleast a week or two. Although some of my friends are still doing WFM, I had to go chennai, Which I felt was bad, but this is not a major consern.

Express Api Server

After a hectic past two months, hope I get some free time in the upcomming months. What is this? This is a backend, written for one of my projects. This was originally developed to be a private repository, I made it public this month. And this was my first time using typescript 100 percent for backend, my experience with it is pretty cool. Stack express server mongodb nginx pm manager Framework model view controller Folder structure Name Description src Source files of the server src/public Static files to be used on client side src/models Storing and retrieving datails from different schema, not using mongoose models src/controllers Controllers define functions that respond to various http requests src/server.

Preconfigured Binary and Installer script through Docker

How’s it going, good I hope!, Hope this year is a blast for you. What is this? Creating a preconfigured container for a precompiled binary utilizing docker. Reason / Motivation: I’ve been using hugo, even since my blog migration post, the one problem that I am facing with hugo is that, whenever I run update os host system,hugo version also updates, the problem with that is some features are deprecated in the new release, my site design depends upon those features.


This month was quite interesting, I stopped all developemt (except office work, which is still sad, imo I should have taken a break from that too) and focused my attention towards coding challenges, by newyear have to go chennai for resuming my work life, the timing for it was the worst. what is advent of code? AOC is a series of programming challenges, two problems unlock each day, till christmas, i.

Publishing Npm Package

Personal Update: I finally managed to change my github username with all its dependencies to aghontpi, it was less work than I expected. Gosh, Its been 6 months already..since I decided to change my username. Incase my future self is wondering, its still work from home, probablly will go chennai after new years’ i.e 2021. This month was boring as hell in terms of office work, since I had to work on Extjs, I introduced some flare into it, but making it similar to react, because of this, it much easier to work on.