Professional Software Engineer by day. Hobby developer, Modder by night.

Fixing bricked Mobile device

My friend asked me if i could fix his _(picture attached is the actual device) _old android mobile and i said yeah.. ill try.. then this journey started. i didnt take notes of the form link..cuz im writing this 2 days after everything happed. Identifying problem: The problem was that..the phone would not boot up or anything.. wont even go to the recovery mode.. but there is a catch when it is plugged into a charger outlet only the led link will blink.

corrupt card..contd

Well how you’ll doin.. im gona continue the post that i left some days earlier.. Mind you i might have forgotten.. ill post the updates in the comments as updates.. So i was talking about looking into docs of packages, you need to know that the format of the card was ‘exfat’check about exfat. i was looking into exfat related packages. Experimented with some of the packages and i was going nowhere regarding the card-solving… then suddenly i landed in github issue tracker.

Data Loss - Corrupt card

Hye there.. well lets begin as you can guess from the title.. I can assure you that it was completely my fault.. About the sd card its the one that you see in the image, so lets get into more detail shall we.. why?.. you may ask i was experimenting with some stuff relating to sim card tray.. that involved removing and inserting the micro sd card rapidly.

Contd..of Initial release of idm patcher

Hi, well yesterday i didnt post due to unforseen circumstances, thats that.. i would like to continue the previous post.. well lets get into it. I made an api and deployed it.. here is the demo link of the api incase you want to test it. api <----- [highlight color=“yellow”]Well the reason for this whole thing is that i wanted to refresh my memory in c#[/highlight] Below is the application in action.

idm patcher initial release

MainIdeacreating a simple working patcher for all people. [divider style=“solid” top=“2” bottom=“2”] Well the idea was there to create a new patch for almost 2 years, but never really acted on it, since I wrote a custom AOB patcher and that worked for my personal use without any errors.Pirating way of life.[/caption] Since the non tech peeps and other wild creatures of the human species often look for a elegant solution.