Professional Software Engineer by day. Hobby developer, Modder by night.

Tamper Monkey

Hi again, Today I am going to share something that is somewhat related to reverse engineering. Well I was working on a project, at one point of time I was working on wireframes, since I was only doing the initial design and it would be just used as a reference by the design team so my senior adviced me to use mockup. Mockup So what is mockup you ask?

Software engineering and backend design

Today I wanna share something that I found was very useful in the recent times, which is ofcourse software engineering and backend design When I started developing.. at first I was a noob ‘as people would call’ I would do random sh**… I can explain this in more detail.. which is I would go straight to coding, learning the concepts that I need to implement a certain feature.. sometimes I would chase a particular feature first for the first day.

About android services

Recently i was involved in android dev..So im gona share a short struggle in android services. Why So i was targeting android 5.1 and the basic feature was setting up and do some action for every % minutes, so this varies.. below 6.0 everything was fine and was working flawlessly but i was testing it on a mobile with android 6.1. Doze Since the new android versions comes with android doze enabled, and every manufacturer has their own implementation of doze enabled with custom implementations starting from android 6.

Php Contd..

As i mentioned in the previous post.. i choose php and ignored rest of them because i wanted to do a project in php for a long time and i choose to use this as an opportunity. So i’m going to walk through the thought process. So i needed to do a application basically (webapp) with user login, registration, with admin privilages, then with adding item, updating the item, deleting the item, assigning the item, reassign the item etc.

My experience with php

Heya… ow are you doing? During the shot intervel between my last post and this post i did something interesting,, a guess??? I got addicted to php I was assigned to do a task for some reason and it involved doing things with php. ofcourse i could have done the same with let us see…what are the options available. i could have went with firebase as i already have prior experience, but nah went with node and all its glory.