Professional Software Engineer by day. Hobby developer, Modder by night.

Learning to type faster

Hi there, I learnt the offical way to type and its way faster than my way of typing. Reality is way different - Update on current things. I know i’ve been busy, but i can make up to it. Status update First: The last few weeks,infact the last month is very odd and had a busy schedule. I could’nt concentrate on few other projects, Office work took over my life, to be exact!

file Manager contd..

a little update: Though i made a promise to post every two weeks, its been 4 weeks, why? this… i was going in a flow, but things started affecting.. rather i let things affect me, lately lot of things happened personally, lot of things reminded of the past, that made me avoid _________ in the present, Continuation. Pick up where i left off from previous post: Let me explain the way of approach i wanted to do, i wanted to access all the files of the server, like i wanted to go back to the root directory, back before that, basically anywhere where i wanted, So DirectoryIterator seemed the best choice, We are in a directory, we have to list all the files and folders in the directory, how would you do that?

file manager development

why this all of a sudden? I was introduced to php development for a little while now, and i had this in mind with several other things, this would also be a good point to start explaining with code, So where to start. let us define? It starts with what is the requirement? It is I want to view files in the server, I can traverse through the files with forward and backward traversing, i can see the file modification date I can see the file ownership information, I can see file icons and folder icons.

Old projects.

Hello fellas, So in the recent trend of the modern world, with everyone developing new software and technology and aiming to make the life of mankind easy, There are bunch of people who want to just learn new stuff and constantly do things and move on to the next thing.. i consider myself being in that bunch.. this will matter later. The thing about old projects is that they have an emotional touch with them, the reason why i am stating this is because, i think about the functionalities and often about how this could be implemented with the current knowledge that i have, being the way that I am, I mix real life with the code that i write, often times while i write the documentation, review the code that I wrote, or while making commit i find hints in my code that reflected the current scenario in my life.

MVC pattern

Dear Internet I didn’t blog for 2 weeks and it feels weird. i promise to write within every two weeks from here on now… i am terribly sorry!.This post is to clear up the silence that stagnated over the past 2 weeks. sry btw. Today I would like to share a thing (to tell my future self) that I learned in the recent weeks. It’s MVC. I was introduced to MVC pattern for developing applications.