Hi!, Like I mentioned in my last update, I took a break from everything ( a month and 3 weeks), the reason behind me missing my post on past month(april). I still had to do office work though, but its’ alright because it was fun. The time off that I took was the best decision in a while, It helped me rethink priorities.

Like I said in march post 2021, I’ll be posting with new Time management in mind.

React Update

I’ve been working on react projects and learning new things, So i’ve decided, that I should upgrade(a barebone react project that I cooked up a while ago called Rinku). upgraded from v1.x.x to v2.x

Release contains the seperate commits for each change

Release 2.x

Updates that I did

  • javascript -> typescript
  • Redux, Redux-toolkit, Redux-Saga
  • semantic-ui -> semantic-ui react
  • Project structure, File naming structure
  • React 16.x -> 17.x
  • remove jquery dependency

Project Structure Update

My current preferred way of setting up folders

srcSource files for server
src/public/Static files to be used on client side
src/Saga/Redux-Saga files
src/Saga/*.saga.tsIndividual Saga files
src/Saga/network.tsServer Communication logic
src/Store/Redux/Redux-toolkit files
src/Store/*.store.tsIndividual Store files
src/Hooks/*.hook.tsCustom hooks
src/Containers/Every page for the app
src/Components/Common components for the whole app
src/Route/All Route setup
src/Utils/Common logic throught the whole app
src/Style/Style and assests, since create-react-app does not allow files outside src/ to be imported
.env.developmentDevelopment variables, configuring backend, etc.
.env.productionDevelopment variables but for production

Time Management

I cameback from my break on 22nd this month, Spent the last week of this month for upgrading this react project, Because of that I didn’t have time to do other things.

Next month’s schedule

I should, get back to work on my Scrum board.

  • week 1 & 2

    • Complete the Friend feature, merge it with master branch.
  • week 3 & 4

    • reafactor to use redux-toolkit
    • move to redux async handlers

Note to future-self

Last year, It was trying to forget the month of May, but this year, not so much. Great, Hope this continues.