Hi.. how are you, I am doing well, still doing work from home.. don’t know how long the work from home thing is going to continue. All my friends and family are good(no corona).

This post is going to be a reminder for me in the future… and also a milestone.


Well two years ago, exactly this week, I got an offer from a company in Chennai, at that time, I already had an offer from another company in Coimbatore that was close to my home with a nice package. I choose Chennai over Coimbatore because I wanted to leave my home.

So here I am after two years, I’m happy with my employer. I have my fair-share of cons, I’m sure everybody will have them, but the pros over-weigh the cons.


I’m lucky to have joined them, they take such good care of me, I would argue that my team is the best of my company, Its a big team with a lot of talented people packed in.

I also had the best team-lead unitll recently…he left.., my piers are just awesome they can accomplism great things. The technical manager is also one of my team’s managers, he is a pretty good and can handle anything thrown at him,

One complaint

I have good parents, friends, a job that I like in a place im in love with, All these excpet that one thing.. Of all these other things I have Im lost.. Im lost… searching for something I can not find, distracting myself/ lying to myself, not enjoying/living in the movement.


These things aside, TO MY FUTURE SELF “two years went really fast didn’t it?…always had the next thing to work on and you just looked away didn’t you?”, of all the things that happened over the last two years, from the bottom of my heart, I just wish I learned a lot more than I did..

Some of the things I did in the past haunt me daily, those…missed opportunities, those..fights, those…bad decisions, those..misunderstandings. I guess its been a long time and I have to move on.. this month of may is something I should forget.