Hi, how are you doing Im doing good, the corona virus pandemic is everywhere! hope your survived the ordeal, its still going on as of writing this, Hope you survive this.. In my childhood after watching movies like ‘i am legend’ & ‘the day that the earth stood still’, i always wanted to see the world in the situtation, oh booy, i did not expect them to happen irl, but it did anyway. Im saying this because in some wierd way dreams do come true.

What is this about?

  1. I sometimes read xkcd, its not great but something that i occasionally checked, its a comic for programmers’,
  2. I wanted to lean angular for sometime (i only knew the basics, haven’t really done projects in them.)
  3. the xkcd site had a api for them!.
  4. there was no darkmode xkcd,
  5. there was ads in the website

The plan:

So i decided to do a xkcd viewer, (declutter) It will ads and unnecessary stuff from the site and just provide the comic. It will have to have darkmode, it will have to have an image viewer builtin for zooming in and out, It should have a grid viewer to laod previous comics in a single page, It should have a download option. both batch and single!.

what I did & Conclusion:

I built a xkcd viewer app with the above requirements in angular, I tried to use much of the core functionality of angular while building the requriements, I’ve also learnt about some interesting libraries, rxjs, imageViewer. Go checkout the repo for more info and demo.

Link - xkcdViewer

I have kept this post short!. See you soon!. & About the name change!.. I’ve chosen agontpi, hope i make up my mind soon. untill then -gopianth