Hi guys, it’s been a month already??!. I had other plans for the update, this month but Corona virus took over the entire Earth, if me or anyone else reading this from the future search for ‘Corona virus March 2020’ u’ll find about this disease. note that the status of the image in this psot is from march 30 2020


I took some extra tests apart from last month, but everything came as normal, I still experience head ache’s, I have a fudge load of tablets to take for the headache, I am worried about my health, these many tablets can not do any good. wasted a ton of money tho.


Almost everything is shut down in India, all the tech companies give work from home including the one which I work, so its been a good couple of days working from home which I really like and by the way I came 7 days ago that is mid March.s

The government announced 21 day Quarantine, which ends on April 15th. Hope everyone will survive through this ordeal. All my friends and family are doing fine at this moment but it may change at any point since the district I live in is one of the most affected in my state.

name changing

Another thing, I’ve been thinking about changing my name I mean my online alis. from bluepie to something else. The name is not unique and also I chose this name when I was very young, making an anagram of my name would be really cool. I already have a few names that I have in mind but those are not anagram. The logical way is to go with anagram, but I don’t really like it. I just want to have it because it is an anagram of my name and also it resembles the current name i.e bluepie. I hope by next time i have chosen the right name,

So that is it for this month, hope we see soon. -Gopinath