Hi, How are you, I hope you are doing good, me? i’m good as well from the top down view, but if inspected carefully, im not so good. This post is not going to be about tech.. so skip this if you wish. note: this post was completed in the month of januray but only published it on feb.

what is this about

So lately i’ve been contemplating on a lot of things!, some of ‘em include, life goals, relationships, fiends, money, how we interact as human beings, etc…all these are interconnected to one another, I have decided to share this today as im 23 years old, it would be fun to see how things change over the years when im 28, 33, .. so forth.

life goals

Can I ask you something? what is your life goal, It should be either of two, 1. you have a defined life goal, 2. you do not have a life goal, you are going with a flow, I have experienced both of ‘em, so here is my take on it.

You are moving towards a point and all actions that you make must be towards that point you belong to this category if you have a life goal, in-short: Short term goals that matter in the long run(to achieve a final goal).

You take decisions based on what you currently feel/have, short term goals that doesn’t matter in the long run.

There is a third category that I did not mention, which is terrible of em all, which is you take decisions based on other people’s suggestion, it is bad beacuse u feel regrets after the decision is made and you realise that, you are responsible for your current scenario by not taking your own decision.(confusing i know, but there it is)

my parents are both 2nd category from my point of view, atleast my father is.. I strieve to be the first category… but I am weak.


This was my openion when i was in my 10th grade, 11th & 12th, love is a beautiful thing, is a necessity, is a social status, you are a if you are not currently in a loving relationship.

This was an anwser of mine before 3 years ago, when i was asked a question “what do you think about love?” in a group gathering of my peers, teachers & parents, ‘is just a distraction, a mixture of chemical compounds in brain is to be blamed for it.’ So my openion is little changed, i’ve removed “its just a distraction part”.


when i was young(upuntill 12th) I had a lot of friends, it was a social status, I dont care about it anymore(was not selfaware at that time, more about this maybe in a different post),


This thing dawned on me few months ago & once in a while i’ve been thinking about it ever since, what am i talking about here?,

Well it is about “everyone has their own belief such as what makes one’s action differ from right and wrong, what is considered humiliation, what is considered success, sadness, depression…etc.” these belief’s come from either through parents or from movies/shows(mostly), talking with others(mostly), (rarely) from books, and very rare from own experience. since we do not in-herit these belief’s from own experience/thoughts, it will not be useful for you & if you make decisions its gona 70% of the time fail for you(if you belong to the minority category of different people).

So my conclusion from all this is “unless you are absolutely sure about your core belief, do not think over it of the outcomes”,

my utopian dream

So from my childhood i have seen my surroundings & i dreamt I would go in a different path, Which is “People become thick friends, go out, , fall in love, get married to people in the circle only they interact with/ their neighbours.” & I wanted this to be opposite of that, but right untill now i’ve had chances to claim my dream but I did not do so, (mmo’s, guild’s, discord, tele, communi..onli..).

anyway these are my present thoughts, see ya soon!. hope u do well untill then -gopinath.