heya!, this wont be a rant..trust me!, don’t worry, I lost my cool in the last few posts, well thats aside, let me begin.


so i have been planning to migrate my blog from aws to replace it with jekyll, hexo,..etc, The main reason being, i run my blog in php and thus intend to replace it with the mentioned above, The another this that I keep pondering over and over is that, if i abandon my aws blog, I have to convert my previous post from the blog to the new version, reformat, reupload the images as well. Not to mention i have to configure dns(though it will take only a small amount of time), configure what comment system that i will to install in, and the list goes on and on.


Since hosting it in php, for each request page will be generated dynamically, it doesn’t matter here but this causes cpu load, considering php if there are any bugs in the code it will lead to data breaches (lol, since i dont have anything that important its not important too.). If it were hosting with only html, css, js, images and etc, the site load time will be very quick, plus you don’t have to pay extra for the high resources that is needed for handling php pages, infact if hosting on github pages it is completely free.


So there are a ton of choices if you want to do the same , the first thing would be jekyll, since most of the people choose that because of the huge variety of themes that comes with jekyll, its developed in ruby so installing the dependencies might be hard tho if you are new, then there is hexo, which is fully developed in js, you just have to install npm, then install dependencies with npm, that is it, interms of ease of use, you can choose this instead of jekyll. There are many alternatives, it finally comes down to what you choose to use.

what next?

After generating the site using the defined framework, you now have a working site which is entirely static and works completely without any hosting restrictions and load-time, this then can be deployed anywhere. For example you could deploy it to AWS, GCP or any-other hosting provider, What i did was i deployed it to GitHub hosting and it is great. You can have a demo of the same here. link to my deployed site.

Additional things?

Well depending upon the hosting provider that you choose you can do many things, park your domain (in-case of free hosting/paid hosting), installing ssl certificate, In case of github having own custom domain and sub-domain..etc, well it certainly depends, the possibilities are endless.