Well hello guys! How yr’ been.

what is going on.

i have never thought of me doing this in my life, but this situation has come, so in the past month i have been trying to post and update whats been going on. But i am unable to complete what i started and it is bothering me still now, after that happened i stumbled upon an another old project of mine, which i cleaned up and finished it in a short span and btw this is the project that i am talking about that i didn’t complete.

what happened.

So it’s been a tough tight scheduled week. I was juggling with a lot of things, so this event came up ‘do something with ai’,  this is a willingness event, which means I can choose if I wanted to join (which didn’t happen by the way), So keeping in mind that I was already involved in soo much things, it was definitely overwhelming from my end,  considering that I had set my goals to finishing a book, complete a personal project,  and I was already dealing with personal problems and I had no interest in ai, this was not the call for me, So I was forced to join by my peers, so I had to do my best, at least for my satisfaction. I was entering into the territory of ai, so the problem statement is not chosen by me, I was told to implement someone else cooked up, I didn’t knew that would not work at that time, looking back now, I was blinded by simplified self. So the brain washing part comes along, where my subconscious was dragged by manipulation and imagination that I didn’t need, its a long chain of manipulation from the top,  Damn how did I fell for that, looking back I fell for most things..stupid things..things that are not decided by me.

Enough of this rant, I had to do this for the sake of my future self.

The Disaster

Let’s get technical here shall we, but before that let me get this straight, I’m new to this and basically a starter. So everything that I do from here will be available on my github page, for my little project of mine, I have to predict the next date and the date must corelate to some predefined value, on this date calculated from now I will eat vanilla icecream. This is a pretty damn challenge. So my first approach os going about this with neural networks, since it’s the new tech and predicting the date is not easy. So after a while, I finished a working model and was told that I could not do this.. it was too big and I was launched at by a data scientist guy..(getting personal here)..looking back, why did I even bother acknowledging him you know? Why?.  I never learn from my mistakes, so I decided to go with the algorithm part as their suggestions, I mean it was hard.. dragging myself over something (choosing a different path from neural networks). I’ll cover two parts one for neural networks and the other for algorithms, so for the neural networks part,  i decided to predict using images, so  i have an eye open for tensorflow, what could be fun? predicting captcha from websites seems like a great idea, plus i have already seen something similar but haven’t got the time to try it out, so i’ve searched for captcha image dataset and found several captcha datasets from kaggle, so i went and downloaded from kaggle,

Moved on - Not my cup of tea?

This post is taking a long amount of time im going to post the source from bitbucket here, the main reason being i dont want to rant and bitch about something and gradually lost interest from working on this and i started working on an old project of mine that i undertook which i am going to post in the upcomming days, this post took a long amount of time that i did not expect, but it’s fine nevertheless, im just going up the stairs step by step that i what i say to myself.,, darn