Hi there, I learnt the offical way to type and its way faster than my way of typing.

Reality is way different - Update on current things.

I know i’ve been busy, but i can make up to it. Status update First: The last few weeks,infact the last month is very odd and had a busy schedule. I could’nt concentrate on few other projects, Office work took over my life, to be exact!.I’ve been the preacher of saying Complete office work early as possible and leave office by 8pm, later spend time for yourself(doing your own thing) like for an example updating blog. To think that i used to say those things but in reality i ended up like this!.. makes me wana just laugh. The first thing i realised is that i dont have not that much time for thinking.. like a zombie wandering around, life is just moving in an unknown path, Going back to my mates and spending the valuable time is priceless and makes me focus on things better, Maybe currently im not surrended by people like that in places I work and live. well that’s for update.

What I used to learn typing.

The highly underrated, free site https://www.keybr.com, I having nothing to say, except that It is great, and you should totally use it.

So, how long did I take to learn?

The key here is consistency, I’ve done it for 3 months daily, Untill I was comfortable with my speed and error rate, Below is the pic for my typing practice calendar.

Link to my learning stats, https://www.keybr.com/profile/t51whyg