Hello fellas,

So in the recent trend of the modern world, with everyone developing new software and technology and aiming to make the life of mankind easy, There are bunch of people who want to just learn new stuff and constantly do things and move on to the next thing.. i consider myself being in that bunch.. this will matter later. The thing about old projects is that they have an emotional touch with them, the reason why i am stating this is because, i think about the functionalities and often about how this could be implemented with the current knowledge that i have, being the way that I am, I mix real life with the code that i write, often times while i write the documentation, review the code that I wrote, or while making commit i find hints in my code that reflected the current scenario in my life. Its like when i see the code again, I’m taken back to the room that i wrote the code in, the thought i had, the emotional state i was in, the people i was talking too.. etc.. FOR EXAMPLE, today I recalled a old friend of mine, (lets begin) it was 2017, i was in my final year of my B.E degree, a festival function was near and i was practising android and developing an android application, during that time i was constantly talking to my friend that i mentioned, During this period i was home alone for few days, I can not recall more than this..(my dumb brain). Fast forward to 3-4 am in the night, i remember completing a class with functionalities (doing java), I noticed while creating an instance of the class i made the class name similar to my friends nick name. i could still remember that specific moment very clearly. I took an image of that specific section and sent a message.. the following morning she didn’t understand what i was saying..that’s a completely different story none the less.

so one of the reasons to not going to old projects

Going back to old projects they have a emotional weight in them, sometimes it’s the decision of not wanting to go the past, that certain people don’t go to old projects. The fact that certain things turned out ugly, i could never revisit some projects, if i still do, I spiral into a hole and my thoughts get cloudy and i feel guilty for the things why certain things turned out ugly.

So in my case, i realised, humans are emotional beings, being the way that they are, often leads to problems..