Dear Internet I didn’t blog for 2 weeks and it feels weird. i promise to write within every two weeks from here on now… i am terribly sorry!.This post is to clear up the silence that stagnated over the past 2 weeks. sry btw.

Today I would like to share a thing (to tell my future self) that I learned in the recent weeks. It’s MVC. I was introduced to MVC pattern for developing applications. So I’m explaining my interpretation and my understanding of the MVC pattern. So it has different parts. Model, View, controller. The first thing is the controller, then is the model and then the view, the controller gets everything and controlls everything, & orders what should be done by the model and view on the scope. While you develop this it should be with a flow. As from the development stand point, the controller should be capable of handling changes (i.e) if some changes came up in the future of the app/project, we can not handle thousands and thousands of files and track the files and change everything, that is why we use controller for everything. This is the basic idea from the controller stand point. I tested the MVC pattern with php. With a sample school project and it was great. At first I completely made it with my own understanding, but later with the help of my seniors I was able to complete it with full mvc design. So I said I implemented the design via PHP, so what is the use of model, view ,controller in this aspect, the role of the controller is to breakup the request and split the response based on parts of the url and construct the final page.

.. i wanted to write/update something .. so i wrote this.. ill continue this post later on with an actual example.