Hi again, Today I am going to share something that is somewhat related to reverse engineering. Well I was working on a project, at one point of time I was working on wireframes, since I was only doing the initial design and it would be just used as a reference by the design team so my senior adviced me to use mockup.


So what is mockup you ask? Mockup is a wireframe tool, You would design stuff like how each and individual page would be, each elements design, UI, the flow with how defferent stuff interact with each other, etc.. you could also do use case diagrams, the process flow and other stuff in the case of mocup, mockup is a fremium tool (web app), there is a limit to each and every project with a constraint of 300 elements max. plus you have to pay to get features like exporting the projects in different formats, etc.

Whats the problem with this?:

When there is a limit for each and every stuff like the elements that you can you, the export options and other features like setting the project as private,..etc The main function that I use is that I want to export stuff which i design and that option is limited by a pay-wall. So I thought why can’t I test their functionality(security) a little bit.. i just messed with their website a liitle bit.. and they didn’t include any basic security.

The Idea

I already knew about tamper money.. which is a plug-in for installing custom user scripts and i wanted to write on desperately for a long time, the link to tamper monkey is here.  I wanted to write a custom script that did a lot of things like remove restriction to certain websites and remove add block detector from certain sites but i overwhelmed myself with lot of different projects and I didn’t do nit since now, that’s a story for a another time…

The basic script

So i found a hack to make available certain features of the moqups site without paying anything but

i needed to do it with js? nah..

I wanted to complete this in an 30 minutes or so.. plus  also had a deadline to complete a design (full stack. lol)So I opened the docs of tamper monkey of writing custom scripts and made a simple script with jQuery and published it to github.. here is the link to that.  just go through the instructions on my page and install the tamper monkey plug-in first then install the script. it will become activated if you are exporting the project from moqups and make the export option available to you… And one final thing i missed a lot of days without writing something… sorry for that.. bad on my end … cuz of the situtations. im running late now,, sya next time.. bye.