Heya… ow are you doing?   During the shot intervel between my last post and this post i did something interesting,, a guess???

I got addicted to php

I was assigned to do a task for some reason and it involved doing things with php. ofcourse i could have done the same with let us see…what are the options available.

  • i could have went with firebase as i already have prior experience, but nah
  • went with node and all its glory..
  • (beauty javascript)
  • before I got this assignment, i was learning react framework with es6, cuz why not..
  • I could have chosen for the workflow and design.
  • Or atleast used some of the css frameworks that where available.

But i didnt do any ot the mentioned above, I choose php with javascript and css from scratch..   well ill share the remainder in coming post. seeya..