My friend asked me if i could fix his _(picture attached is the actual device) _old android mobile and i said yeah.. ill try.. then this journey started.

i didnt take notes of the form link..cuz im writing this 2 days after everything happed.

Identifying problem:

The problem was that..the phone would not boot up or anything.. wont even go to the recovery mode.. but there is a catch when it is plugged into a charger outlet only the led link will blink..

Searching for a fix:

Since i felt this was a hardware issue.. there was nothing i can do.. but still i tried to look for a  solution.. tried several forums and xda was the king in that… there were a ton people having the same issue..and only few of em managed to solve the issue. tried the following

  •  searching through individual people fix in forums and trying to applying it…(which ofcourse didnt work)
    • the suggestions range from stuff with battery.. overcharging it.. undercharging it..
    • installing specific driver so it detects (usb port doesnt work, then how would that work–dint try)
    • most people talk about jtag.. which i dont have.. not an option
    • so most of the things where useless..
    • prettymuch stuck at that point..
  • there was a repo dedicated to this particular issue.. which i found that was hilarious..
    • tried methods in that repo that didnt work either.

Device Vendor

Its a bug on the design of the phone itself.. if all the people who got this situation tried to sue the company they would definately win :3


Finally found a method that looked promising.. but involved me to open the phone.. but im not a hardware guy.. im a software guy.. but still i tried.. nearly 30% people where saying that they fixed their device by its okey to try..

whats the result you ask? Opening up the phone also didnt do anything.. phone is dead and thats it.